Friday, October 9, 2015

El Salvador is also loaded with volcanoes..............

 The Maya arrived and settled in place of the Olmecs, but their numbers were greatly diminished when the Ilopangosupervolcano eruption caused a massive Mayan exodus out of what is now El Salvador.[17]
Centuries later they themselves were replaced by the Pipil peopleNahua speaking groups[17] who migrated from Mexico in the centuries before the European conquest and occupied the central and western regions, the Pipil were the last indigenous people to arrive in El Salvador.[18][18] They called their territoryKuskatan, a Pipil word[19] meaning The Place of Precious Jewelsbackformed into Classical Nahuatl Cōzcatlān, and hispanicized as Cuzcatlán.[20][21] The people of El Salvador today are variably referred to as Salvadoran, while the term Cuzcatleco is commonly used to identify someone of Salvadoran heritage.

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