Wednesday, February 28, 2018

My dear Frenchman...............complete with 5 and 10s................4 's and 6's......................come again...........but I am making this up.........two 13s..............1st 25 primes.......1 + 25 = 26..........13 + 13 = 26.............13 primes starting with 2..............and taking every every other neg integer has a zero...............even using 2 as a simple would cut out......half ........1/2 of the entire number line.........above it from being prime........the trivial zeroes............are not so trivial...............

Patterns Within the Triangle

pascals triangle 1s, counting, triangular


The first diagonal is, of course, just "1"s
The next diagonal has the Counting Numbers (1,2,3, etc).
The third diagonal has the triangular numbers
(The fourth diagonal, not highlighted, has the tetrahedral numbers.)

Pascal's Triangle Symmetry


The triangle is also symmetrical. The numbers on the left side have identical matching numbers on the right side, like a mirror image.

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