Monday, September 3, 2018

7 and 8....sum to 15.........multiplied, they produce 56...........the difference is 41.................the 13th prime...............................70 - 80 is how the 1 to 3....using 50 as a dividing line....ends.........just like even single digit numbers and single digit primes

2, 3, 5, 7
2, 4, 6, 8

Two 2s.........2 prime fundamentals.....2 and 2 - 11.........two interpretations to 2^i............2 is the 1st number.......the 1st number is 2....just like 1/2 ....the critical line....from one perspective......b/c 0 and 1......are more like concepts than numbers...but sometimes the 1st number IS matters how u look could be either.....embodied in 1/2.......either one could be the starting point......

70 - 80..................3 above 50......40 - 50......1 below it.......

53 and 59 sum to 112......the prime fund backwards....2 - 11...........61 and 67 sum to 128..........41 + 43 + 47 = 131..........43 + 47 = 90.......... a right angle.........................71 + 73 + 79 = 223......symmetry galore.....................

4 sums...........grouping them by a 0 - 0 10 digit sequence...summing the primes in that 10 number sequence together.............


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