Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The area of the unit exactly pi............its 2d is pi......its 1 2 if u took an equilateral triangle....................with sides of 2 * the square root of 3........................the difference is 2.05.......................2 and 5......two primes seen............2 hidden.......b/c 5 - 2 = 3...........5 + 2 = 7................3 and 7 emerge.................37 is prime..........and the sum of the 1st 5 non primes.........37 and its other half....................the other 1st prime to start with a 3.....sum to 68%..........the 1st stan dev from the mean.............31 is the 1st prime to begin with a 3 period...........and is the 1st 2 numbers of pi.......3.1.........hows bout that?? Not bad for a homeless man missing his front teeth, eh???

Image result for the unit circle area
Area of a circle. In geometry, the area enclosed by a circle of radius r is π r2. Here the Greek letter π represents a constant, approximately equal to 3.14159, which is equal to the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter.

Area of a circle - Wikipedia

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