Saturday, January 31, 2015

Also, remember the importance to the British empire in respect to India.............with whom it competed with Holland as well..................and others.........

Which of the followingis not a tenet of mercantilism?
-Nations, not individuals were the principle economic factors.
-The world's wealth was finite
-A nation should export as much wealth as possible
-A nation should import as much wealth as possible

A nation should export as much wealth as possible

Where did England receive its first experience with colonization?


Which of the following statements about French Exploration is true?
-The French welcomed both Catholics and Protestants to Quebec.
-French settlements tended to hug the coastline
-French traders often assimilated into Indian culture
-The French established Quebec before the english arrived

The French welcomed both catholics and protestants to Quebec.

In regards the knowledge of the Americans prior ro the fifteenth century, most Europeans....
-were aware of the trvels of the Norse seamen Leif Erikson in the 11th century
-were entirely unaware
-assumed the Americas were largely unpopulated
-Had only heard of America from the travels of Marco Polo

Were entirely unaware

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