Saturday, September 5, 2015


    Galileo Galilei
    Iowa State University
    Galileo made a number of observations that finally helped convince people that theSun-centered solar system model (the heliocentric model), as proposed by  ...

    1. People also ask
  1. Galileo's Discoveries - Stanford Solar Center
    Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a Tuscan (Italian) astronomer, physicist, ... confirming that the Sun rotates, and that the planets orbit around the Sun, not around the Earth. ...Still, Galileo's observations have confirmed Copernicus' model of a  ...

    Our Solar System: Galileo's Observations of the Moon, Jupiter › Science & Technology › Science Features
    Black and white sketch of Galileo Galilei ... the idea that the Sun - not the Earth - was the center of the Universe, as was commonly believed at the time. Galileo's  ...

    Heliocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    There were occasional speculations about heliocentrism in Europe before Copernicus. In Roman Carthage, the pagan Martianus Capella (5th century A.D.)  ...

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