Friday, September 4, 2015

How the hell can u misplace an entire house???????   Kinda like Steve Fargo.......when his partner tells him that they should split the car..........Steve is like.........."just how u gonna split a car?..........moron..........with a freaking chain saw?????  Maybe the same chain saw..........broke down his house, a modern day Paul Bunyan...................the day i leave this country will undoubtedly be the happiest day of my life..............

 done seen da thing this morning..........singing down by the river..........on the Virginia side of the river........................................we b spooooooooky............


What the Francis Scott Key Happened to that House?

“Lost!? What do you mean lost? How big is this house, and who lost it?” I exclaimed, while sitting in my doctor’s office, discussing history’s mysteries. My doctor replied, “Francis Scott Key’s house was a two or three story brick house, and they were planning to relocate it. They dismantled it and lost it in the process. Nobody knows where it is now.” Huh, go figure. The house of an American hero and author of the “Star Spangled Banner” was lost. We concluded that the Key homestead must have been placed in an undisclosed government warehouse along with the Ark from Indiana Jones.

Weeks later, I was walking across the Key Bridge into Georgetown when I stumbled upon the small Francis Scott Key Memorial Park. A plaque in the park stated that this was the location of the original Key residence. The story my doctor told me resurfaced in my mind. We know the house was lost, but who lost it and why was it to be relocated in the first place?

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