Friday, September 4, 2015

So complex?..........the reason the USA entered a civil war of a country an ocean away was complicated?  Odd..........exceedingly odd..........b/c the US gov.......made it clear from day 1.......publicly anyways..........that the reason that they had instituted a draft and sent troops was to stop the spread of communism.............what is so complex about that?  That is as basic in political science as u are going to why were our troops over there?.........aliens..........buried treasure.............crystal skulls and crystal balls.....................a world McNamera didn't understand fully................thus his comment..............

McNamara: I don't want to go any further with this discussion. It just opens up more controversy. I don't want to add anything to Vietnam. It is so complex that anything I say will require additions and qualifications.
EM: Is it the feeling that you're damned if you do, and if you don't, no matter what?
McNamara: Yeah, that's right. And I'd rather be damned if I don't.

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