2 pairs............two 2's..........that they sum and produce 4 is also imp.................B Riemann found two lines........in the fourth dimen..............4....................3.14.........the beg of pi........................sig.........b/c in terms of pairs.........successive pairs..................3 + 4 = 7..............3 * 4 = 12...........12 like 1/2..........the c line....................7 like..........14 i............7 * 2 = 14..................2.7...........the beg of e...............2 * 7 = 14...........like 14i........works either way..........and a garbled pi..........3 and 4...............b/c it is like one number.................as in one pair.........................like 1/2.............expressed in those words...................and it is the 1st pair.............................1st group of 2 numbers..........again........like 1/2.........said a different way...................to have a difference of more than one in terms of its sum and product........................all 3 previous pairs...................a 2 and a 3.........like the beg of all primes...............all have sums and products one number apart..........
As I have to repeat everything............I will just graphically do it again....
0 + 1 = 1
0 * 1 = 0
1 + 2 = 3
1 * 2 = 2
2 * 3 = 6
2 + 3 = 5...............................the jump............happens at 4........like 4 D.......Dr. Riemann........like 2 + 2 = 4, 2 * 2 = 4.....................................
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