Tuesday, February 6, 2018

5 u say..............the man who fired 5 star general Doug McArthur.........when Doug M wanted to nuke China...........................during the Korean war................"Old soldiers don't die.......they just fade away.......".................Doug Mc...................gave a speech in the US Capital building......after Pres Truman fired him for wanting to nuke China.........now they want to nuke Yellowstone to set off a super volcano.......................it isn't all that far from New Mexico.............nuke testing.......or NORAD in the Colorado rockies.....................silos.........underground nukes...........they are already under the Earth...........where the storred lava is under Wyoming...........................

Image result for harry truman korean war
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Truman helped found the United Nations in 1945, issued the Truman Doctrine in 1947 to contain Communism, and got the $13 billion Marshall Plan enacted to rebuild Western Europe. ... When communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, he sent U.S. troops and gained UN approval for the Korean War.

Harry S. Truman - Wikipedia

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Truman orders U.S. forces to Korea - Jun 27, 1950 - HISTORY.com

On June 27, 1950, President Harry S. Truman announces that he is ordering U.S. air and naval forces to South Korea to aid the democratic nation in repulsing an ... Approximately 150,000 troops from South Korea, the United States, and participating U.N. nations were killed in the Korean War, and as many as one million ...

US Enters the Korean Conflict | National Archives

Sep 7, 2016 - President Harry S. Truman quickly committed American forces to a combined United Nations military effort and named Gen. Douglas MacArthur Commander of the U.N. forces. Fifteen other nations also sent troops under the U.N. command. Truman did not seek a formal declaration of war from Congress; ...

Harry S. Truman | U.S. President & History | Britannica.com

4 days ago - Harry S. Truman, (born May 8, 1884, Lamar, Missouri, U.S.—died December 26, 1972, Kansas City, Missouri), 33rd president of the United States (1945–53), who led his country through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War, vigorously opposing Soviet expansionism in ...

Harry S. Truman - Wikipedia

Jump to Korean War - Truman helped found the United Nations in 1945, issued the Truman Doctrine in 1947 to contain Communism, and got the $13 billion Marshall Plan enacted to rebuild Western Europe. ... When communist North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, he sent U.S. troops and gained UN approval for the Korean War.

Harry S. Truman in The Korean War - Shmoop

Harry S. Truman (1884–1972) became the 33rd President of the United States upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in April 1945. Truman, who'd only a high-school education and had been in office as vice president for just 82 days before Roosevelt's sudden death, inherited the monumental task of leading the United ...

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