Saturday, January 3, 2015

  • 1947:
    English scientist Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans travelled to the "mysterious land of the Dzopa". In Lhasa (Tibet), he met the 14th Dalai Lama. He was abandoned by his Tibetan Sherpas, who were afraid of the Baian-Kara-Ula, an area avoided by the local people because of some strange inhabitant there. After great effort, he reached his destination. There he found a few hundred dwarfish people, 120 cm in average, living in a remote valley in the mountains. Robin-Evans snapped a photo of the Dzopa ruling couple Hueypah-La (120 cm tall) and Veez-La (100 cm tall).

    He stayed there for half a year, and learned their language, history, and traditions. Lurgan-La, the religious guardian of the Dzopa, told Dr. Robin-Evans that they originally came from a planet in the Sirius-system. About 20 000 years ago and again in the year 1014 two Dzopa exploration missions traveled to earth. In 1014, they crashed in this mountain area. Many of them died. Survivors could not leave the earth.

    "Dr. Robin-Evans" eventually revealed to be an imaginary person from the hoax book Sungods in Exile, published in 1978, by the book's "editor" David Agamon.

  • 1995:
    In the province of Sichuan in Central China, on the eastern border of the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains, a pygmy village was discovered. 120 individuals, ranging from 65 to 115 cm in height, live a self-sufficient medieval life style. They were unfamiliar with any modern technology. Some think their stunted height was caused by high mercury in the soil. Others theorize that genetic configuration is the cause. Chinese authorities do not deny the existence of the "Village of the Dwarfs".

    However the village is not open to foreigners. It is located a few hundred kilometers east of Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, almost near the east spur, where the provinces of Qinghai and Sichuan meet.[3]

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