Saturday, March 7, 2015

War of the jewels.................the Hope diamond.........................El Salvador was called by the Pipil of the diamond jewels.................they was probably a whole bunch of them from the volcanoes..............which i bet the Indians now are made to collect them before a volcanic eruption..............thus the real reason for the two massacres...........the one in 1932............of 30,000, yes, thirty thousand Indians...........and another in 1981.........of one thousand Salvadoreans.........this is my best guess as to what has happened..........................

A few years after publishing The Lord of the Rings, in a note associated with the unique narrative story "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth" (which is said to occur in Beleriand during the War of the Jewels), Tolkien equated Arda with the Solar System; because Arda by this point consisted of more than one heavenly body (Valinor being another planet and the Sun and Moon being celestial objects in their own right and not objects orbiting the Earth)

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