Monday, April 27, 2015

That same Irish cell mate of mine............was different than the 1st one........they tried a wigger, then they gave me a racist............who asked me.............why were the blacks making so much noise.......that they should go back to the trees...........i told him to ask them............he also said that the way the black chess players played chess was disrespectful.........the way they slammed down the pieces.........i didn't comment about that..........i knew there was something fishy going i let the man speak to see if i could guess at what he was up to...........................trying to ruin me or have me make a racist statement.........

The NAACP rep from Virginia i guess...........said that as soon as i left..........the Irishman cell mate of mine immediately asked to see the warden............................i think the warden was a short, white man with hearing aids....................a man in his the description above asked me what skills i had......................b/c the fed. gov came down to yell at them...........i told i had some skills........and then he asked me if i would remember him...........and i said yeah.........that he was at teh arraignment......they did via video..........and when i choose to represent myself as my own lawyer......via video......whatever public defender they picked for me.........said he was not going to answer my i became my own lawyer.............i did before a sexist female pwc, va judge.........................i left the same day when i went to court..........physically and not by video............27 days in jail..............the day i left i weighed 128 lbs.............i was 41 years old then..................i am 5' 7"..........................poisoned adn harassed.........which has yet to stop.......

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