Saturday, February 4, 2017

Cutting an angle in half............another imp process................1/2 an angle in other words...............a right triangle.........................with two sides of 1 unit...................and the angles of 45 degrees..........the hyp is the square root of 2........

How to Work with 45-45-90-Degree Triangles - dummies
All 45-45-90-degree triangles (also known as 45ers) have sides that are in a unique ratio. ... A 45-45-90-degree right triangle. Why is this triangle important? Because any time you're given one side of a 45er triangle, you can figure out the ...
Image result for 45 45 right angled triangles
{"clt":"n","id":"wmh3NwUtzph_6M:","oh":256,"ou":"","ow":535,"pt":"Identifying the 45 \u2013 45 \u2013 90 Degree Triangle - dummies","rh":"","ru":"","st":"","th":90,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcQWXe4PXBbefr8CrwC8JNVllCD8Q3sFq53gR7xTZGZu95tkzYrXc-dsXL17","tw":188}
Image result for 45 45 right angled triangles
{"clt":"n","id":"dN4zOnVo1uXlaM:","oh":970,"ou":"","ow":1024,"pt":"Special Right Triangle with Angles 45, 45, 90 degrees | ClipArt ETC","rh":"","ru":"","st":"Educational Technology Clearinghouse - University of South Florida","th":94,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcQp3idD4bxT1MhgCAGQz0zHh_8PU3zo19T2YjdtmqCjPvFkxYaYNRvxew","tw":99}
Image result for 45 45 right angled triangles
{"cb":3,"clt":"n","cr":6,"ct":3,"id":"2HCW68sFdDDwrM:","oh":187,"ou":"","ow":217,"pt":"Special Triangles Used in Trigonometry","rh":"","ru":"","st":"Free Mathematics Tutorials","th":90,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcSjMQCd-BL4CH0anYtuC7dPVlXf0OL3WwBhU3ueSrycoVUt44UzmI7lkg","tw":104}
Image result for 45 45 right angled triangles
{"cb":12,"cl":9,"clt":"n","cr":18,"ct":12,"id":"EDuBEicc_ydIEM:","oh":359,"ou":"","ow":378,"pt":"BioMath: Trigonometric Functions","rh":"","ru":"","st":"The Biology Project - University of Arizona","th":94,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcQEtac4iYZvjLXqwLG01MCYh_n3yZQ-DylcwW5Z6rYfziPyenkPQTBDxL0","tw":99}
Image result for 45 45 right angled triangles
{"cb":3,"cl":9,"clt":"n","cr":12,"ct":6,"id":"zfGefUaKGecN4M:","oh":422,"ou":"","ow":481,"pt":"Right Triangles | GMAT Free","rh":"","ru":"","st":"GMAT Free","th":90,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcSpDhekw8dDICd81lv6w3nCsLzUg7BnD2onhN_8ixEFpHV7Xeqhh0uExg","tw":103}
Image result for 45 45 right angled triangles
{"clt":"n","id":"QFFr_BKa6FDQZM:","oh":606,"ou":"","ow":640,"pt":"Special Right Triangle with Angles 45, 45, 90 degrees | ClipArt ETC","rh":"","ru":"","st":"Educational Technology Clearinghouse - University of South Florida","th":94,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcRfJWj_mE_UXlfI14egeMnq84B6tBsDD8zN7xGIGXIoHqkYLbBQUDADSKc","tw":99}
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The isosceles right triangle. Topics in trigonometry - The Math Page
In an isosceles right triangle, the equal sides make the right angle. They have ... For any problem involving 45°, the student should not consult the Table. Rather ...

Special Right Triangle 30-60, 45-45, 37-53. Elearning. - Go Geometry
A special right triangle is a right triangle with some regular feature that makes calculations on the triangle easier, or for which simple formulas exist. Angle based ...

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