Friday, August 31, 2018

Breaking the unit circle into 16 an imaginary golden ratio.....1.6....................8 up and 8 equal number in the positive and an equal number in the negatives........balance.........

A single note vibrating produces other notes above itself that we call harmonics. An octave is one of these harmonic notes produced by the original note vibration. If the frequency of your fundamental note is 110Hz, then an octave higher is twice that (220Hz) and another octave higher than 220Hz  is 440Hz and so on. Both of these higher octaves are produced by the fundamental note. These are even numbered harmonics (2, 4, 8 etc). The odd numbered harmonics make notes that are more distinctly different than the fundamental. If your fundamental is A you would get the following:

A A E A C# E G A
1  2  3 4  5    6  7 8 

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