Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A jump of 5 happens at 4.................when u pair it with the previous number, 3...........................a difference of 4 between it and the previous 3 pairs of overlapped numbers.......................overlapping........using the same base.......along the X axis........but difference in the height.............when taken i, it yields a close approx. of e..............when taken as 1, it yields a close approx. of pi......................................every pair, starting at zero.......................their sum is but a digit away from their product................1..............but 4 and 3 has a difference of 5...............a difference of differences of 4..................................5/4 in Euler's product................geometric sequences......................layers of meaning.........self similarity in concepts, numbers, geometry......chaos theory............

Even stranger is the right triangle along the X axis..........has one side of 3 and one side of 1.........pi starts out.........3.1..........Gauss said he based his rough estimate for the distribution of of the curvature of a circle...........I got that whole idea.........of what an imaginary exponent could be..........................b/c if u start from 2..........................the distance straight to the point would be its value...............the argument............................the closest distance between any two points is a straight line..............................................i being the square root of negative one.........I put the location of the square root of - 1.....directly above negative one.............making a different axis.......imaginary axis.......and the value of 2 to the the distance from (2, 0) one unit above negative one........................and to measure that.........I used the Pgythorean theorem.............

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