Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The primes in the pf add up to 28 that is, I was off on one of my posts yesterday...................................I call the pf..............the whole numbers from 2 - 11.................which add up to 65..................the primes are............2, 3, 5, 7, 11.........which add up to 28..............the non primes are.......................4, 6, 8, 9, 10......................which add up to 37................half of 28 is 14.....................two 14's start out the square root of 2......

Twice 14............which is 28..........the pf...........adds up to 28...............................1/2 + 14...i is the first zero..........the 2nd one is at 1/2 + 21..i..............both in the square root of even has 35........3 and 5..........the 1st two numbers I get when I overlay the pf w/ the positive numbers......the integers.............and the difference of squares........

square root(2) =

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