Saturday, January 31, 2015

With regards to this..................they took a survey of 10 countries world wide..........although the survey, from what i remember, mainly consisted of whitey countries.............of which country's men were the warmest towards women...........................Argentina won....................the coldest country according to this survey, of men's attitude towards women.....................was England..............

Also, in US history, religion plays an imp. part of the rift between North and South................the people of the USA, in respect towards the European,,,,,,,,,,,,,tend to the North more of the Dutch (Holland), English, Swedish................and the South tends to be more Irish, French and Spaniard..................................

So with regards to the antebellum South,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and duels..............and military tradition............and with a high respect for both manhood and women..............southern gentleman.............where do u think they got those ideas from?   Spain tends to be very macho in attitude...........manhood,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,France,,,,,,,,,,,,romance...........the South of the USA is a blend in all that............the Big Easy, New Orleans..............named after Orleans,,,,,,,,,,a city in France......................

The tradition in antebellum South of duels...............with seconds.......................sword fights, etc...................

Which of the following statements about French Exploration is true?
-The French welcomed both Catholics and Protestants to Quebec.
-French settlements tended to hug the coastline
-French traders often assimilated into Indian culture
-The French established Quebec before the english arrived

The French welcomed both catholics and protestants to Quebec.

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