Friday, March 10, 2017

Why?  If u took it different the imaginary direction...........b/c the length of the radius is the is a circle after all...............would all be a distance of 1/2....but up, north.....the radius would be 1/ the right and left......along the X axis it would be 1/2......real units......south...........- 1/2i..............

Complex Plane

complex plane (flying type)No, not that complex plane ...
...  this complex plane:
complex plane (math type)
plane for complex numbers!
(Also called an "Argand Diagram")

Real and Imaginary make Complex

Complex Number is a combination of a Real Number and an Imaginary Number:
Real Number is the type of number we use every day.
Examples: 12.38, ½, 0, −2000
When we square a Real Number we get a positive (or zero) result:
22 = 2 × 2 = 4
12 = 1 × 1 = 1
02 = 0 × 0 = 0
What can we square to get −1?
?2 = −1
Squaring −1 does not work because multiplying negatives gives a positive: (−1) × (−1) = +1, and no other Real Number works either.
So it seems that mathematics is incomplete ... 
... but we can fill the gap by imagining there is a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives −1
(call it i for imaginary):
i2 = −1
An Imaginary Number, when squared gives a negative result
imaginary squared is negative.
Examples: 5i, -3.6ii/2, 500i
And together:
Complex Number is a combination of a Real Number and an Imaginary Number
Examples: 3.6 + 4i, −0.02 + 1.2i, 25 − 0.3i, 0 + 2i

Putting a Complex on a Plane

You may be familiar with the number line:
number line -10 to +10
But where do we put a complex number like 3+4i ?
Let's have the real number line go left-right as usual, and have the  imaginary number line go up-and-down:
We can then plot a complex number like 3 + 4i : It is placed
  • 3 units along (the real axis), 
  • and 4 units up (the imaginary axis).
 complex plane 3+4i
And here is  4 - 2i :
It is placed
  • 4 units along (the real axis), 
  • and 2 units down (the imaginary axis).
 complex plane 4-2i

And that is the complex plane:
  • complex because it is a combination of real and imaginary, 
  • plane because it is like a geometric plane (2 dimensional).

Whole New World

Now we can bring the idea of a plane (Cartesian coordinatesPolar coordinatesVectors etc) to complex numbers, and open up a whole new world of numbers that are more complete and elegant, as you will see.

Complex Number as a Vector

We can think of a complex number as a vector.
This is a vector.
It has magnitude (length) and direction.
And here is the complex number 3 + 4i
as a Vector:
 complex plane 3+4i vector
You can add complex numbers as vectors, too:
To add the complex numbers 3 + 5i and  4 − 3i :
  • add the real numbers, and
  • add the imaginary numbers
separately like this:
(3 + 5i) + (4 − 3i) = 3 + 4 + (5 − 3)i = 7 + 2i
 complex plane vector addition

Polar Form

Let's use 3 + 4again: complex plane 3+4i vector
Here it is in polar form: complex plane 3-4i is polar 5 at 0.927
So the complex number 3 + 4i can also be shown as distance (5) and angle (0.927 radians).
Let's see how to convert from one form to the other using Cartesian to Polar conversion

Example: the number 3 + 4i

From 3 + 4i :
  • r = √(x2 + y2) = √(32 + 42) = √25 = 5
  • θ = tan-1 (y/x) = tan-1 (4/3) = 0.927 (to 3 decimals)
And we get distance (5) and angle (0.927 radians)
Back again:
  • x = r × cos( θ ) = 5 × cos( 0.927 ) = 5 × 0.6002... = 3 (close enough)
  • y = r × sin( θ ) = 5 × sin( 0.927 ) = 5 × 0.7998... = 4 (close enough)
And distance 5 and angle 0.927 becomes 3 and 4 again
In fact a common way to write a complex number in Polar form is
x + iy=r cos θ + i r sin θ
 =r(cos θ + i sin θ)
And "cos θ + i sin θ" is often shortened to "cis θ", so:
x + iy = r cis θ
cis is just shorthand for cos θ + i sin θ
So we can write:
3 + 4i = 5 cis 0.927
In some subjects, like electronics, "cis" is used a lot!


  • The complex plane is a plane with:
    • real numbers running left-right and 
    • imaginary numbers running up-down.
  • To convert from Cartesian to Polar Form:
    • r = √(x2 + y2)
    • θ = tan-1 ( y / x )
  • To convert from Polar to Cartesian Form:
    • x = r × cos( θ )
    • y = r × sin( θ )
  • Polar form r cos θ + i r sin θ is often shortened to r cis θ
Next ... learn about Complex Number Multiplication.

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