Monday, August 13, 2018

Symetery and asymmetry at once......continuous and discontinuous at sine and cosine are continuous.......but the tangent function is continuous.......relatively theory is continuous....quantum theory is discontinuous.....thus the phrase....quantum leap...

3 rows of 18.......4 - 6 th..................3 how pi starts out.................3.14.........3 + 1 + 4 = 8............18281828.........8 is the mode......the most frequent number......and the number of numbers...................there are 8 that string...a repetition........chaos theory.........iterates.................................6 is the last 18 in some tables...........7 is the last in others........7 + 6 = 13............14.13i.........13 is the closest prime to the 1st zero and in its decimal expansion........14 + 13 = 27........just like e........


Group123 456789101112131415161718
Alkali metalsAlkaline earth metalsPnicto­gensChal­co­gensHalo­gensNoble gases
6Cae­sium55Cs132.91Ba­rium56Ba137.33Lan­thanum57La138.911 asteriskHaf­nium72Hf178.49Tanta­lum73Ta180.95Tung­sten74W183.84Rhe­nium75Re186.21Os­mium76Os190.23Iridium77Ir192.22Plat­inum78Pt195.08Gold79Au196.97Mer­cury80Hg200.59Thallium81Tl204.38Lead82Pb207.2Bis­muth83Bi208.98Polo­nium84Po​[209]Asta­tine85At​[210]Radon86Rn​[222]
7Fran­cium87Fr​[223]Ra­dium88Ra​[226]Actin­ium89Ac​[227]1 asteriskRuther­fordium104Rf​[267]Dub­nium105Db​[268]Sea­borgium106Sg​[269]Bohr­ium107Bh​[270]Has­sium108Hs​[270]Meit­nerium109Mt​[278]Darm­stadtium110Ds​[281]Roent­genium111Rg​[282]Coper­nicium112Cn​[285]Nihon­ium113Nh​[286]Flerov­ium114Fl​[289]Moscov­ium115Mc​[290]Liver­morium116Lv​[293]Tenness­ine117Ts​[294]Oga­nesson118Og​[294]
1 asteriskCerium58Ce140.12Praseo­dymium59Pr140.91Neo­dymium60Nd144.24Prome­thium61Pm​[145]Sama­rium62Sm150.36Europ­ium63Eu151.96Gadolin­ium64Gd157.25Ter­bium65Tb158.93Dyspro­sium66Dy162.50Hol­mium67Ho164.93Erbium68Er167.26Thulium69Tm168.93Ytter­bium70Yb173.05Lute­tium71Lu174.97 
1 asteriskThor­ium90Th232.04Protac­tinium91Pa231.04Ura­nium92U238.03Neptu­nium93Np​[237]Pluto­nium94Pu​[244]Ameri­cium95Am​[243]Curium96Cm​[247]Berkel­ium97Bk​[247]Califor­nium98Cf​[251]Einstei­nium99Es​[252]Fer­mium100Fm​[257]Mende­levium101Md​[258]Nobel­ium102No​[259]Lawren­cium103Lr​[266]
Each chemical element has a unique atomic number (Z) representing the number of protons in its nucleus.[n 2] Most elements have differing numbers of neutrons among different atoms, with these variants being referred to as isotopes. For example, carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes: all of its atoms have six protons and most have six neutrons as well, but about one per cent have seven neutrons, and a very small fraction have eight neutrons. Isotopes are never separated in the periodic table; they are always grouped together under a single element. Elements with no stable isotopes have the atomic masses of their most stable isotopes, where such masses are shown, listed in parentheses.[6]
In the standard periodic table, the elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number Z (the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom). A new row (period) is started when a new electron shell has its first electron. Columns (groups) are determined by the electron configuration of the atom; elements with the same number of electrons in a particular subshell fall into the same columns (e.g. oxygen and selenium are in the same column because they both have four electrons in the outermost p-subshell). Elements with similar chemical properties generally fall into the same group in the periodic table, although in the f-block, and to some respect in the d-block, the elements in the same period tend to have similar properties, as well. Thus, it is relatively easy to predict the chemical properties of an element if one knows the properties of the elements around it.[7]

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