Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I bet my dad wrote like 95% or more of Wikipedia.........which is why i post so much of it.............b/c he loaded it with clues.........i think anyway......VIRGINIA city..............the Pentagon is in Arlington, VIRGINIA and so is our Nat Cemetery..........

After gold and silver were discovered in 1859 on nearby Comstock Lode, Carson City's population began to grow. Curry built the Warm Springs Hotel a mile to the east of the city center. When territorial governor James W. Nye traveled to Nevada, he chose Carson City as the territorial capital, influenced by Carson City lawyer William Stewart, who escorted him from San Francisco to Nevada.[9] As such, Carson City bested Virginia City and American Flat. Curry loaned the Warm Springs Hotel to the territorial Legislature as a meeting hall. The Legislature named Carson City to be the seat of Ormsby County and selected the hotel as the territorial prison with Curry serving as its first warden. Today the property is still part of the state prison.

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