Friday, February 28, 2020

Blond eyes................Mar Monroe.......R........L.........i6, Dr King.......Blacks with blue Australia.......magic users................dream time......from Marvel comics to Hollywood.....................see the connections??  It is obvious..........but u "smart" people cannot think for yourselves.........


Much of Gateway's past remains a mystery to this day, including where exactly he was born and even his name. He is an Aboriginal who appears to have grown up in the Outback.
He serves the criminal group the Reavers in repayment for an undisclosed favor they did him. As extra assurance of his loyalty, they threaten to destroy an Aboriginal holy place if he betrays them. They call him "Gateway" in reference to his ability to create gateways between two points in space. Some time later, the X-Men appear in the Outback and attack the Reavers' headquarters. Though Gateway helps the Reavers SkullbusterBonebreaker, and Pretty Boy escape, the X-Men realize he is not a Reaver.[1]
The X-Men take up residence in the Reavers' former hideout, and Gateway begins voluntarily using his powers to assist them. Initially, since he seems unable or unwilling to speak, Psylocke uses her telepathic powers to communicate to Gateway where the X-Men wish to go.[2] However, they soon realize he always knows their desired destination without being told.[3] He also used the Dreamtime to observe the growing corruption of the X-Men’s ally, Madelyne Pryor, by Limbo demons, yet did neither intervene nor alert any of the X-Men to the growing danger in their backyard just because that was not his purpose in the scheme of things.[4]

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