Tuesday, September 15, 2015

If the water don't kill ya............da bugs surely will..........

Mosquito breeding[edit]

See also: Mosquito control
Catch basins are commonly designed with a sump area below the outlet pipe level which is a reservoir for water and debris to help prevent the pipe from clogging. Unless they are constructed with permeable bottoms to allow water to infiltrate into the underlying soil, this subterranean basin can become a perfect mosquito breeding area because it is cool, dark, and retains stagnant water for long periods of time. Combined with standard grates which have holes large enough for mosquitoes to enter and leave the basin, this is major problem in mosquito control.[12]
Basins can be filled with concrete up to the pipe level to prevent this reservoir from forming. Without proper maintenance, the functionality of the basin is questionable, as these catch basins are most commonly not cleaned annually as is needed to make them perform as designed. The trapping of debris serves no purpose because once filled they operate as if no basins was present, but continue to allow a shallow area of water retention for the breeding of mosquito. Moreover, even if cleaned and maintained, the water reservoir remains filled, accommodating the breeding of mosquitoes.

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