Wednesday, March 14, 2018

1/4th is the 4th the h.s.............the 3rd fraction..................another garbled pi.........1/5th is the 5th term.....................but the 4th fraction..........kinda like 5/4 from Euler's product with an s of 1.................................and 45 degrees....a 45/45 right triangle...........................

1/4 = 0.25...............1/5 = 0.20................add those two 45 degrees....................a 1 : 1..........square root of 2.......right triangle........written like like 2 - 11........what I call one of the prime fundamentals................459045 is in e..........the 11th through the 16th number in e......................11 + 16 = 27...................if u add.......459045.............up one number to another...............4 + 5 + 9 + 0 + 4 + 5 = 27...........................two 27's................which is exactly how e starts out......2.7..........fractal patterns.........a block of 6 numbers.......imp. b/c 6 is the 1st perfect number....................................27 + 27 = 5/4 from Euler's product ............the middle term..........when grouped by 5's..............................when u compare 5/4 with 19/18............the middle term in the next the Bell curve........most of the data is concentrated at the middle...............where the slope is 0...........................459045.............also has a zero.......5/4 forms reflexive sym with 45 a 45/45 right triangle...................5/4 and 19/18...........+14 and + 14.....................from 5 to 19 is a jump of 14.......from 4 to a jump of 14i.........the imag part of the 1st zero..................two 14's............exactly how the square root of 2 starts out..........1.414............................the square root of 2 is the hyp of a 45/45 right triangle when the two lesser sides are 1 : 1...................two lesser sides.............are 1 and 1........a fractal pattern...........b/c if u just take the length of the is 1: 1...................and the square root of 2 for the matters a lot how u look at it...............sums of waves Joe dear Frenchman.......

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