Thursday, June 21, 2018


1 d to 2d...... 2 d is a right angle......90 degrees...............43.............3 and 4....are the 1st pair of successive integers.....whose sum and product are more than one apart......the R zeta function supposedly levels off to one above sea level to the east...................2 and 3......the only two a digit apart......put like above....u have a horizontal and a vertical............1, 3, and 7................a fractal pattern with the overall distribution of primes.........b/c those 3 are the 1st 3 to be in a ten digit sequence...from a zero to a zero.........and 43 is like 3 and 4....3 + 4 = 7..........3 x 4 = 1/2........and reflex sym.......................and there are 3 fours......................which add to 12......4 + 4 + 4 = 12...................connecting them vertically.............and connecting them horizontally..........m = 0 on a horizontal line.......  m is undef on a vertical line or may be seen as infinite....

They are between 40 and 50........putting a vertical line and a horizontal line how they commonly make the 2nd dimension......

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