Sunday, December 27, 2015

Waves = primes = zeros.................

Wave theory, mechanics, elasticity[edit]

In the theory of light he worked on Fresnel's wave theory and on the dispersion and polarization of light. He also contributed significant research in mechanics, substituting the notion of the continuity of geometrical displacements for the principle of the continuity of matter. He wrote on the equilibrium of rods and elastic membranes and on waves in elastic media. He introduced[6] a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix of numbers that is now known as the Cauchy stress tensor. In elasticity, he originated the theory of stress, and his results are nearly as valuable as those of Siméon Poisson.

Number theory[edit]

Other significant contributions include being the first to prove the Fermat polygonal number theorem.

Complex functions[edit]

Cauchy is most famous for his single-handed development of complex function theory. The first pivotal theorem proved by Cauchy, now known as Cauchy's integral theorem, was the following:

 \oint_C f(z)dz = 0,
where f(z) is a complex-valued function holomorphic on and within the non-self-intersecting closed curve C (contour) lying in the complex plane. The contour integral is taken along the contour C. The rudiments of this theorem can already be found in a paper that the 24-year-old Cauchy presented to the Académie des Sciences (then still called "First Class of the Institute") on August 11, 1814. In full form[7] the theorem was given in 1825. The 1825 paper is seen by many as Cauchy's most important contribution to mathematics.
In 1826[8] Cauchy gave a formal definition of a residue of a function. This concept regards functions that have poles—isolated singularities, i.e., points where a function goes to positive or negative infinity. If the complex-valued function f(z) can be expanded in the neighborhood of a singularity a as

f(z) = \phi(z) + \frac{B_1}{z-a} + \frac{B_2}{(z-a)^2} + \cdots + \frac{B_n}{(z-a)^n},\quad
B_i, z,a \in \mathbb{C},
where φ(z) is analytic (i.e., well-behaved without singularities), then f is said to have a pole of order n in the point a. If n = 1, the pole is called simple. The coefficient B1 is called by Cauchy the residue of function f at a. If f is non-singular at a then the residue of f is zero at a. Clearly the residue is in the case of a simple pole equal to,

\underset{z=a}{\mathrm{Res}} f(z) = \lim_{z \rightarrow a} (z-a) f(z),
where we replaced B1 by the modern notation of the residue.
In 1831, while in Turin, Cauchy submitted two papers to the Academy of Sciences of Turin. In the first[9] he proposed the formula now known as Cauchy's integral formula,

f(a) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_C \frac{f(z)}{z-a} dz,
where f(z) is analytic on C and within the region bounded by the contour C and the complex number a is somewhere in this region. The contour integral is taken counter-clockwise. Clearly, the integrand has a simple pole at z = a. In the second paper[10] he presented the residue theorem,

 \frac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_C f(z) dz = \sum_{k=1}^n \underset{z=a_k}{\mathrm{Res}} f(z),
where the sum is over all the n poles of f(z) on and within the contour C. These results of Cauchy's still form the core of complex function theory as it is taught today to physicists and electrical engineers. For quite some time, contemporaries of Cauchy ignored his theory, believing it to be too complicated. Only in the 1840s the theory started to get response, with Pierre-Alphonse Laurent being the first mathematician, besides Cauchy, making a substantial contribution (his Laurent series published in 1843).

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