Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2 + 2 = 4........................2 * 2 = 4.......................4 all over the place......................pi - e.......both truncated to 3 numbers...........the 1st 3 numbers.................or said in other ways.........1 number above the dec..........and two numbers below the the line at 1/2................3.14.............and 2.71............................0.43............a garbled pi..................and a 3 and 4...........the 1st successive pair..........whose product is more than one away from its sum.........3 * 4 = 12..............3 + 4 = 7...........12 - 7 = 5.............................the 1st 5 non primes and the 1st 5 primes..........connect single digits to double 1/2.........words into math..


0.43...........................patterns.......................pi - e.................fractal patterns...........both 13 and 31 are prime....13 + 31 = 2 + 2 = 4..................2 * 2 = 4........symmetry.........

Pascal's Triangle

pascals triangle
One of the most interesting Number Patterns is Pascal's Triangle (named after Blaise Pascal, a famous French Mathematician and Philosopher).
To build the triangle, start with "1" at the top, then continue placing numbers below it in a triangular pattern.

Each number is the numbers directly above it added together.
(Here I have highlighted that 1+3 = 4)

Patterns Within the Triangle

pascals triangle 1s, counting, triangular


The first diagonal is, of course, just "1"s
The next diagonal has the Counting Numbers (1,2,3, etc).
The third diagonal has the triangular numbers
(The fourth diagonal, not highlighted, has the tetrahedral numbers.)

Pascal's Triangle Symmetry


The triangle is also symmetrical. The numbers on the left side have identical matching numbers on the right side, like a mirror image.

pascals triangle powers 2

Horizontal Sums

What do you notice about the horizontal sums?
Is there a pattern?
They double each time (powers of 2).

pascals triangle powers 11

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