Wednesday, March 14, 2018

2 to the i....................2^ 2 times the square root of 2.........using i as distance.............and the square root of 10...........using 1 as distance..............I used magnitude to compute it............the argument......................the distance from 2, 0............on the X axis to one above - 1..................into the 3rd dimension............using the usual C plane.............the z axis..............being the imag one.......3rd d.....................2 d to 3 d............just exactly how the primes start........2 and 3............and the 1st digit of e and pi respectively.................e = 2.71.....pi = 3.14.........using only the 1st digit.....a 2 and a 3............1st number.......a one and a 2 - 1..........the fund of the harmonic also 1/1................................unit circle..............another 1 and 1..........self similarity........chaos theory.........unit circle is a 1 and 1..........b/c a circle has one side.......

Using i as distance gives u the square root of 8.....which simplifies to 2 times the square root of 2.................whose dec expansion starts out......2.828.................close to e..............that is using distance.............using 1 as is the square root of 10......which starts out..........3.16............close to pi...........relatively theory (b/c approximations are relative, close but not it)........Albert E..........the speed of light.............e = mc ^2.............the hyp of a right triangle is the argument.........of what 2^i would chickenscratch is hard to make out..........even for me............

Two interpretations to 2^i.........................two 2's..........2 + 2 = 4.........2 * 2 = 4...........balance..........above 2...................multiplication always gives u a bigger number than addition.............when u do it two the same number....3 + 3 = 6....3 * 3 = 9.............under zero...........addition gives u a bigger number.......under zero..........1/2 + 1/2 = 1..........1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4.............adding the two together.........the result is a number bigger than the number u started with..........but if u multiply them........the result is smaller than the number u started with.........u are taking a fraction of a fraction........division really...half of 50 cents is a quarter...................1/4th of a dollar ........25 cents..............from 1 to 2........addition gives u a bigger number than multiplication.........................1.5 * 1.5 = 2.25..............1.5 + 1.5 = 3..................2 is a kinda of balance................between the process of addition and multiplication..........

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