Monday, March 12, 2018

Sub bases in Norway.........what is past is prologue.......

Norwegian Nobel Committee - Wikipedia
The Norwegian Nobel Committee (Norwegian: Den norske Nobelkomité) selects the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize each year on behalf of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel's estate, based on instructions of Nobel's will. Its five members are appointed by the Norwegian Parliament . In his will, Alfred Nobel tasked the ...
‎History · ‎List of Chairpersons · ‎Members · ‎Secretariat
Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia
It is unclear why Nobel wished the Peace Prize to be administered in Norway, which was ruled in union with Sweden at the time of Nobel's death. The Norwegian Nobel Committee speculates that Nobel may have considered Norway better suited to awarding the prize, as it did not have the same militaristic traditions as ...
First awarded‎: ‎10 December 1901; 116 years ago
Awarded for‎: ‎Outstanding contributions in ‎peace
Most awards‎: ‎International Committee of the R...
Location‎: ‎Oslo, Norway
The Norwegian Nobel Committee - Prize Awarder for the Nobel Peace ...
The Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for selecting the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. By the terms of Alfred Nobel's will the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee since 1901. Alfred Nobel left no explanation as to why the prize for peace was to be awarded by a Norwegian ...
Phone‎: ‎+47 22 12 93 00
Fax‎: ‎+47 94 76 11 17
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Why the Nobel Peace Prize is always given by Norway?
Dec 10, 2014 - Alfred Nobel never disclosed why he didn't give the task of awarding the Peace Prize to a Swedish body.

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