Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The 4th level down.......1331...........13 + 13 = 26...................and a garbled pi...........4th level down.........and 1331.....................two of them..................the 1st 25 primes.....1 + 25 = 26.......and the critical line..........13 is the 6th primes...........41 is the 13 prime............and starts the 3, 2.........................pattern.........primes centered about 50...........1/2 from 0 - 100...........from 40 - 4, 6............the 1st 2 non primes................4 + 6 = the base 10 number system..........10 + 10 = 20.........a 20 number gap..................10 * 10 = 100..................2 tens.......2 AND 2 - 11.....................might be two prime fundamentals.........there may be more...........2, 3........23..............a gap of 20............from 3 to 23..........................19 integers in 1 - 9..............all single digit counting numbers............................3 + 23 = 26.............could the 1st 25 primes contain the entire fractal code????????????????

40 - 60...............................41, 43, 47.................53, 59...................3 primes then 2...........which matches the general distribution of primes..........from 0 - 100........15 are under 50..........10 are over 50...........a 3 and a 2..............15/10 = 3/2.................

Patterns Within the Triangle

pascals triangle 1s, counting, triangular


The first diagonal is, of course, just "1"s
The next diagonal has the Counting Numbers (1,2,3, etc).
The third diagonal has the triangular numbers
(The fourth diagonal, not highlighted, has the tetrahedral numbers.)

Pascal's Triangle Symmetry


The triangle is also symmetrical. The numbers on the left side have identical matching numbers on the right side, like a mirror image.

pascals triangle powers 2

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