Monday, May 30, 2016

Could the founders of Rome..........have been.........African??

This Etruscan takes a special meaning for me: I think with Livy that Etruscans came from the north, they were of Hyperborean origin. We saw the close relationship of Etruscan metaphysics and culture with the Yoruba’s in West Africa. I told how, after the sinking of Atlantis some 12,000 years ago, the Atlanteans left America for their homelands across the Atlantic Ocean. Among them, there were black and white people, leaving in perfect harmony and mutual respect.
Black American Gods have returned Yoruba Country, while the White Gods founded a New Atlantis called The Western Empire on the site of the present North Sea. Several white groups are scattered along the coasts of Europe: Tuatha of Ireland, Basques, Ligurians, Catalans, Corsicans … and our famous Etruscans, who themselves were a mixed group where blacks and whites lived together in plain equality. So that people, heir to the Atlantean science, had kept much of their ancient hydraulic expertise, and probably other technologies that served as tutor in Rome.
Better yet, the Etruscans are the heirs of tolerance and openness of the Atlanteans, in which the coexistence of races has never been a problem. The majority of social problems were ironed out in ancient Atlantis, by the application of the sacred system of the four colleges or castes: farmers, merchants, warriors and trainers. All human activity is thus harmonized.
The caste system, a legacy of Atlantis and carried by Rama acted corruptly in India where the horizontal exchange has become a vertical hierarchy, crumbling the four colleges in an infinite number of sub-caste and non-caste in opposite the original ramaïque philosophy.
We know little about the Etruscan civilization, yet it has left us “numerous inscriptions of about 10000 This is huge, considering the fact that this civilization has given us written testimony for a weary relatively short time -. between the early seventh century BCE, the date of our first entries, and the late first century BCE. In contrast, it may be recalled that for the same time interval, we only have about 3000 Latin inscriptions.” (source)
One of two things: either the Etruscans were graphomaniacs or the early Romans were illiterate. I lean toward the second hypothesis willingly.
In the myth of Romulus and Remus, we can feel the Etruscan presence everywhere.
It is found even in the good fairy who looks over the cradle of the twins: Mother Wolf.
The founders of Rome were fed by the she-wolf, they are the sons of the Wolf Clan.
We identify here the descent of Atlantis through the Tuatha of Hyperborea and the Etruscans also direct descendants of the Peoples of the Sea.

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