Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Are we Crystal clear Tom Cruise?............or are we over the rainbow Alice?..........................fish that reflect rainbows............dumbo octopus.......................sparks at camp fires........storytelling............no movie cameras were brought up on the plane................in the film on the beg of aviation in Langley hall....................................................

Storytelling in general..........whether in print, plays or the silver screen..........best sellers........a photographer for National Geographer........................Bridges of Madison County.......maybe u people don't see it...........

Brushing With the EliteBill and Alice go to a classy party given by Victor Ziegler, one of Bill’s wealthy patients. Judging from Victor’s house, he is not simply rich, he is part of the ultra-elite. While his party is very elegant and is attended by highly cultured people, it doesn’t take long for the viewers to realize that this facade hides a disgusting dark side. Also, small details inserted by Kubrick hint to a link between the party and the occult ritual that occurs later in the movie.
When entering the party, the first thing  we see is this odd star-shaped Christmas decoration. This particular decoration is found throughout the house.
When entering the party, the first thing we see is this peculiar Christmas decoration. This eight-pointed star is found throughout the house.
The eight-pointed star is nearly identical to the star of Ishtar.
The star at Zeigler’s house is nearly identical to the ancient symbol of the star of Ishtar.
Knowing Kubrick’s attention to detail, the inclusion of the star of Ishtar in this party is not an accident. Ishtar is the Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war and, mostly, sexuality. Her cult involved sacred prostitution and ritual acts – two elements we clearly see later in the movie.
“Babylonians gave Ishtar offerings of food and drink on Saturday. They then joined in ritual acts of lovemaking, which in turn invoked Ishtar’s favor on the region and its people to promote continued health and fruitfulness.”
– Goddess Ishtar, Anita Revel
Ishtar herself was considered to be the “courtesan of the gods” and had many lovers. While inspired in bed, she was also cruel to the men that got attached to her. These concepts will constantly reappear in the movie, especially with Alice.

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