Monday, October 9, 2017

As I have to repeat everything...............I do not know what is true and what is least not 100%..........I draw my conclusions off of what I read...........what I remember...................what I can deduce and induce from various things..........the sources themselves may be incorrect.............I am not as I have said tons of times before..........take what I say with a grain of salt.........b/c I might be wrong...........and furthermore..........much of this written stuff online might not be true.........or might not be 100%..................dig deeper........

Whether true or not................and it might be true..................what does that remind you of ...............??? Something that happened recently.....

On top of this there were 20,000 mortgage foreclosures in Montana from 1919 to 1925 and that meant half of the people in the state lost their land, and often homes.

The problem was that Montana had too many banks, plain and simple, and the reason for this was the Federal Reserve, the third Rothschild-controlled bank the country had seen, and the one that would do more damage than the other two combined. In 1917 alone forty-one new national banks came to Montana, often competing with state banks in towns of just a few hundred people.

Those on the East Coast saw the writing on the wall and took their money out fast. About $30 million fled the state as investors back East took what they could before losing it all. Montanans weren’t so lucky, and 11,000 farms failed as mortgage debt soared to $175 million. Montana had more bankruptcies than anywhere else in the country. 

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