Tuesday, March 13, 2018

20 numbers..........2, 3 and 23.........sym..............20 number difference form 3 to 23...............20 in many places.............2 times 10.........2pi..............2 is the 1st prime.........every neg even integer.................................................40 - 60............5 primes............in a 3/2 distribution.....using 50 as a divider.............53.............the 1st prime over 50...................5/3 = 1.66..............like the gold ratio.......47..............the last prime before 50..................47 is what the 1st 10 numbers of e sum to..............4 + 7 = 11................1st ten digits of e sum to 47...........47..........when the single digit is added to its double digit...............is 11.........11/10.....................the 5th term in E's product........layered meanings...............just like...........2, 3 and 89, 97..............a difference of 1 and 8 respectively.........9 + 9 = 18.....................from 89, 97...........18 + 18 = 36....................like full circle............the square root of 13.............is 3.60555..............broken in half.............the 1st 6 numbers............words into math.........the gold ratio.........1.618..................the start of it.......the 1st 2 numbers.......like the c. line..............

2 by 2...........4 ...........4 d........................B Riemann found two lines in 4d........2 + 2 = 4.................2 * 2 = 4....................balance.................symmetry...........

e = 2.718281828............................the 1st 10 numbers.............added one by one.........sum to 47.......47 is the last prime under 50..........2 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 8 = 47...............the Riemann zeta function levels off to like 1 above sea level to the East...............so they tell me.........added one by one................e sums to 47.............the 1st 10 numbers of it..................

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