Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sym in the 1st 3 stand dev's............13 is the 6th prime.........41 is the 13 prime.......13 + 13 = 26..................the 1st 25 primes may contain the entire fractal code to find any prime...........u just have to take into account the numbers that contain them.......0 - 100.........e and pi...............whose 1st digit............2 and 3.....................matches the start of all primes....2 and 3.........the square root of 13 starts out.............3.60555................full circle and 3 fives............when the 1st 6 digits are cut in half.........truncating stuff is powerful.........Lorenz..........butterflies and pi.................3/2..........15/10.............15 primes under 50........10 over 50..........3 and 2............reflex sym with 2 and 3......................13 is the closest prime to the 1st zero.......2 and 2 - 11 may be two prime fundamentals........13 is the 1st prime after 11...........the end number.....from 2 - 11......ten numbers.............when added beg to end sum to five 13's...............2 + 11 = 13.............3 + 10 = 13, etc........................................3 fives.........5/3 = 1.666.................like the golden ratio...........the 1st 5 primes and the 1st 5 non primes......................not only yield imp sums........28 and 37 and overlap.........the primes sum to a non prime...........28...........the non primes sum to a prime.......37...............28 is the 2nd perfect number.......is in e twice.........in the 1st 10 numbers of it.......18 is in there twice.....1/2 and 1/2.................like 180 degrees in one half of full circle on the unit circle..........18 + 18 = 36.........a truncated full circle......1/2 + 1/2 = 1..........two halves make a whole......1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4.............like 14i...........1/4 = 0.25....................like the 1st 25 primes....1/4th in its dec value is one half of all is single digit primes........2 and 5..............are half of 2, 3, 5, 7..........all single digit numbers.......18 and 28............repeated twice in e..............as a block of 4 numbers.......repeated twice.........2/4 = 1/2.............4/2 = 2..........................every even neg integer.............2 and 2pi....................get it???

5 + 5 + 5 = 15................15 and 10............15 primes under 50..........10 above 50...................and below 100..................................the 1st 5 primes and non primes connect single digits to double digits........and form a pattern.....4 and 1..................both non primes and primes......like DNA......a double helix.......two number series.....primes and non primes.........................the 3rd 5..........might be imaginary type......................complex numbers.......

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