Tuesday, March 13, 2018

There is even more.................1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5.....................the 1st 5 terms of the harmonic series............1/5............like 1st 5............man oh man..............and 2........b/c there are two ways of looking at it.............at least..............1/5th is the 5th term.......but the 4th fraction.........like 5/4...............the 3rd term of Euler's p...............5/4 when paired with 19/18...............when taken by 5's.......Euler's P...........................5/4 and 19/18......................are the two middle numbers..........in the 1st 5 and 2nd 5......................555.............in the square root of 13...................the 2nd half..........of the 1st 6 numbers of it...........like the gold ratio..............5/4 and 19/18...........+14 and + 14............for numerator and denominator.................................5 + 14 = 19...............4 + 14 = 18...............like 14i.............half of 28.........is 14.................28 is the 2nd perfect number..........2 twos's...........two prime fundamentals???  2 AND 2 - 11..................................11 + 2 = 13...................13 isn't so bad America............I fucking hate the USA..............and most of u................

AND 1/4th and 1/5th are imp..............................look at pi.............pi = 3.1415..............the 1st zero is between 14i and 15i..........at about 14.13i................or the 3rd and 4th number in pi.........1/4 and 1/5 are the 3rd and 4th fraction in the harmonic series......................3 and 4...............yield a "quantum leap".............when their sums and products are compared with the previous 3 pairs..........3 pairs.........2 numbers.............3 sets of them.........2, 3..........the start of all primes.........the square root of 13.............starts out...3.60555..................the square root of 13 is the hyp of a right triangle of a right triangle whose two lesser sides are 2 and 3...........the start of all primes.........and they only time EVER........where two primes are but one number apart .............1 number apart......the 1st 2.......like the line at 1/2.............AND the start of Euler's product with an s of 1..............2/1(3/2)(5/4).....E's p with an s of 1......................................... a right triangle.........is def so.......b/c its largest angle is 90 degrees.............90 degrees is 1/4th the C plane...................90 is the 1st integer between 89 and 97..................................the last prime pair.......2 twos.........67, 71 and 89, 97..........two prime pairs in the 1st 25 primes...............................

1/4th and 1/5th....................the 3rd and the 4th fraction in the harmonic series...................1/4 = 0.25....................1/5 = 0.20.................added.......0.25 + 0.20 = 0.45......................like a 45/45 degree right triangle.....................whose hyp is the square root of 2 and the two lesser sides are one and one...........1 and 1............like 11 and 2.........like 2 - 11........one of the prime fund.................459045..................is in e......................the 11th number to the 16th number..........11 + 16 = 27...............a fractal e.......................459045.............is 27 when added one by one.................

The square root of 2...........starts out........1.414............like 14i..............two 14s sum to 28.......the 2nd perfect number..........2nd perfect number...........like 2.............the 1st prime............2 pi........2 and 3..........the start of all primes.......the hyp of a right triangle............is the square root of 13..........1/2.........the c. line......1/2 as an exponent means square root........stand dev............are in part computed.........using square roots..................................two 14's....................then 21....like 14i and 21i....................14i + 21i = 35i............................the 1st two primes after 2...........one of the fund..................are 3 and 5.......sym with 53.....................the 1st prime after 50.................a gold ratio.....forwards and backwards..........inside out.............the torus.........has turned itself completely inside out.........in the 4th dimension..........the higher dimen and fractal dimensions.........are imp in all this...........

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