Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My chickenscratch red lines..............................form a trapezoid..................................the blue triangle is what I think 2^i might be.....................also 2 ^ 2 + just 2 squared times 2 to the i...............................4 times the square root of 8...............and 4 times the square root of 10..............................4 and 8..............the 2 square, which is the smallest square to inscribe the unit circle, has an area of 4 and a circumference of 8.................4 * 8 = 32.....................4/8 = 1/2.........8/4 = 2.................the line at 1/2 AND every neg even integer............................2's and 3's and  3's and 2's.........reflexive sym............mirror symmetry...............4 + 8 = 12..............12 like 1/2.............using the zero dimension................

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