Friday, December 4, 2015

All those ancient Med cultures had big navies.................the Iliad and the Odyssey..........................Helen of Troy...........

    Ancient Egyptian navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Ancient Egyptian navy has a very extensive history almost as old as the nation itself. Our best sources over the type of ships they used and their purposes ...

    The Ancient Egyptian Navy - Tour Egypt
    Prior to the New Kingdom, Egypt's navy was probably made up mostly of ships and boats that served a dual purpose, operating as commercial vessels when not ...
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 7/19/15

    [PDF]Ancient Egyptian Sea Power and the Origin of Maritime Forces
    Royal Australian Navy
    An Overview of Ancient Egyptian Maritime Forces. 103. 11. The Origin .... Ancient Egyptian sea power together in a form that historians and naval professionals.

    Ancient Egypt: Ships and Boats
    Ancient Egypt: Main Index. Ancient Egyptian ships and boats: ... A number of pharaohs saw the need for a strong navy, i.e. Snefru who according to the Palermo  ...

    Naval Battles Involving the Egyptian Navy | The Classroom ... › School Subjects
    A powerful navy allowed the ancient Egyptian empire to protect and expand its territorial reach, from the Nile River to ports in the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

    Naval: Ancient Egypt - Bible History Links (Ancient Biblical ...
    Ancient EgyptNaval Ancient Ships, Vessels, Boats, and Naval Warfare A Freighter of the 6th Dynasty - 2200 BC A Freighter of the late Sixth Dynasty (ca 2200 ...

    6 Ancient Naval Battles - History Lists - History Channel
    Mar 3, 2015 - The walls of the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses III's mortuary temple at Medinet Habu include ... LIST 6 Ancient Naval Battles - Aegates Islands  ...

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