Tuesday, March 13, 2018

4 primes in the 1st 10 number sequence.......0 - 10.............2, 3, 5, 7...................1 in the last 10 number sequence under 100........90 - 100.............97..............a 4 and a 1..........................the 1st prime from 40 - 60.........................20 numbers centered about 50........50 is halfway to 100 from 0................3 zeroes.............like a 30/60 degree right triangle...............30/60 = 1/2........................two 30s in the 2nd 10 number sequence.................60 overall........11, 13, 17, 19................11 + 19 = 30.........13 + 17 = 30......................11 + 13 + 17 + 19 = 60...........beg to end...............middle to middle..........50 is the middle number in 0 - 100..........m = 0.............in the Bell curve..............half way through......there is no slope at the zenith point...........no more change...............u throw a ball in the air..........at some point.............whether u throw the thing straight up or an NFL qb throws it to a NFL receiver........the thing will reach its max point in the vertical.............where its vertical speed is zero...............and it will come down........................................slope is zero..........no more change.................a horizontal line..........has 0 slope...........like the zeros on the X axis....................a vertical line.........has a m of undef or infinite..........like the line at 1/2.................

41..................4 primes in the 1st 10 numbers....0 - 10...................11 numbers............................10 is the last number.........like 11/10............the fifth term in E's product......................41 is the 13th prime.........13 is the 6th prime.....................6 is the 1st perfect number..............like the gold ratio.......1.618............................18 again.............................41, 43, 47.................53, 59..........5 primes centered about 50...............................40 - 60...............4 and 6............are the 1st two non primes........1st 2......................like the line at 1/2..............1st 5 primes ..........1st 5 non primes.............both in one of the prime fundamentals...............a double helix...........2 fives..................like 1/4 = 0.25............................the harmonic series.........1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5...................................pi = 3.1415..............the 1st zero.........is between the 3rd and the 5th number of pi..................when 14 and 15 are paired..........2 twos..........man oh man.......14 and 15.........the 1st zero is between the two......14.13i...................................1/4th is the 3rd fraction but the 4th terms.......................4 d........Dr. Riemann........................3 and 4.......when paired........12 and 7...........sum and product.......the 1st pair........to differ by more than one............4 + 3 = 7..............4 * 3 = 12.................12 like 1/2?????

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