Monday, August 31, 2015

They make it obvious that it is there.........even putting out a now famous movie about it............a law case of a man killed there.............when Jack was the commanding officer..................but the real reason it is there is hidden.....................they make it obvious the thing is there.............why?  Not to arouse suspicion.............

Spanish colonial era[edit]

The area surrounding Guantanamo bay was originally inhabited by the Taíno people.[27] On 30 April 1494, Christopher Columbus, on his second voyage, arrived and spent the night. The place where Columbus landed is now known as Fisherman's Point. Columbus declared the bay Puerto Grande.[28] The bay and surrounding areas came under British control during the War of Jenkins' Ear. Prior to British occupation, the bay was referred to as Walthenham Harbor. The British renamed the bay Cumberland Bay. The British retreated from the area after a failed attempt to march to Santiago de Cuba.[28]

Guantanamo Bay during the Spanish–American War[edit]

During the Spanish–American War, the U.S. fleet attacking Santiago secured Guantánamo's harbor for protection during the hurricane season of 1898. The Marines landed at Guantanamo Bay, with naval support, and American and Cuban forces routed the defending Spanish troops. In the Treaty of Paris of 1898, Spain surrendered control of all of Cuba to the United States.

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