Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jewish people and money.........big bill fish.........white people unite............FUCK you people......

The Rothschilds, Freemasons, and Illuminati
The real power behind the United States is the Rothschild banking family, which can trace its roots to 1743 when Moses Amschel Bauer put the red hexagram above his doorway. 

That was also the year his son Mayer was born in Bavaria. In 1760 Mayer would change the family name from Bauer to Rothschild after that red hexagram sign (‘Rot is German for ‘red’ and ‘Schild’ means ‘sign’).
Symbol of the Rothschild Family
Mayer Rothschild continued his father’s money lending business and also got into the business of hiring out Hessian mercenaries to foreign countries at war, resulting in vast profits for the family. Loaning to governments directly was the logical next step, mainly because it was more profitable than loaning to individuals. 

After all, a nation’s taxes were much more likely to come through and pay the debt than an embattled businessman’s profits. Seeing a way to control world governments through debt, Rothschild thought up a system based on the Rabbinical Jewish book, the Talmud.

The Kingdom of Israel and the Star of David

Talmudists are Jews that follow the teachings of the Talmud, which is one form of Jewish law, and one that many have claimed is anti-Christian and sexually immoral. 

The nation of Israel was created in 1948 with a new flag showing the Star of David, a symbol that had come about in the 1600s and which the Zionists adopted as their symbol in 1897.

The Star of David is misleading, as King David never had a star symbol. His son, King Solomon, used the symbol when he ruled the Kingdom of Israel during the 900s BC, however, and that’s where we’ll begin.

Map of Israel, c 800 BC
The symbol is an ancient sign of “magic, witchcraft, sorcery and occultism” as well as the casting of horoscopes and reading of the zodiac. 
The Deception of David

​Solomon was thought to have turned away from God, which led to Israel’s destruction. One of the reasons for that may have been the use of his star symbol, which was associated with Remphan, an ancient Egyptian ‘star’ god. 

The symbol was also that of the worshippers of Moloch, a god of the Ammon people, who were a neighboring nation of Israel in the 900s BC. 
Map of Kingdoms around Israel, c 800 BC

​Moloch encouraged child sacrifice, typically by the parents. Solomon had many temples built for his foreign wives, and “pagan abominations” were worshipped there, including idols to Moloch. 

The star symbol, or hexagram, helped with this. It had six points that formed six equilateral triangles, something that allowed the insides to form a six-sided hexagon. This leads to 6 points, 6 triangles and 6 sides…or 666, the mark of the beast.

All of this was associated with Moloch, or what we’d today consider Satan. Moloch was a false god that tempted Solomon, leading to the downfall of Israel, the Babylonian Captivity, and subsequent exile of the Jewish people, both those that were innocent and the idolaters.

How it happened was that Israel fell apart into two different countries in 930 BC, the Kingdom of Israel to the north and the Kingdom of Judah to the south. Sometime in the 720s BC the Assyrians invaded the Kingdom of Israel and defeated it. 

The Assyrians hung on until 605 BC and the Israelis in Judah did the same until the Babylonians swallowed up their state about fifteen years later. At that point the Jews found themselves exiled until Assyrian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC, setting the groundwork for the Jews’ return in 539 BC.

The continued journey of the Jewish people is much too long of a story to explore here, but elements of their story are important to our own, and important if we’re to understand how the world truly operates today.

In the 1200s AD the Mongols were pouring out of Asia and killing or enslaving all that they came across. Part of their enslavement was mental more than anything, and consisted of converting to the Jewish faith. 

Many that converted didn’t want to, and these people became the basis of the Ashkenazi Jews, a group that many believe rejects Jesus and accepts Satan.

Mongol Conquests in the 1200s

​The real power behind the Ashkenazi Jews is the Rothschild banking family, which can trace its roots to 1743 when Mayer Bauer was born in Bavaria. That was also the same year his father had put the red hexagram above their doorway. Seventeen years later they’d be known as the Rothschild family.

Many believe the Talmud is the opposite of the Torah. While the Torah worships God, the Talmud worships Satan, they claim. Rothschild used a twisted form of the Jewish Talmud to create satanic teachings that formed the basis of his secret organization, the Illuminati. 

In 1776 the organization was complete and Rothschild used his associate, Adam Weishaupt, to infiltrate the Continental Order of Freemasons so that Illuminati doctrine would appear in their lodges all over Europe, and later the world.

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