Sunday, October 8, 2017

Masons are the Builder's museum in DC.........

The History of Freemasonry
Freemasonry can trace its origins back to 1400 BC when the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton built a temple in El-Amarna that became the first “mystery school,” a place where “human sacrifice and mind control were common” with “initiation rites identical to those of modern Freemasonry.” Akhenaton was also the pharaoh that moved Egypt from polytheism to monotheism, a system of worshipping just one god.  (Henderson, p 159; Gould, p 13)
It would be nearly a thousand years later that those mystery school ideas came to Greece. It was during the time of Erechteus, who was known as the “earth-born king of Athens” and was raised by the Greek goddess Athena, so it's claimed. 

From the Greek world the ideas circulated, heading to the Romans to become the “Mysteries of the Mithras,” or sometimes “Mysteries of the Persians.” Those ideas lasted from about 68 BC to around 500 AD. They changed considerably during that time, and two dominant schools of thought developed – the Serapis and the Mithras. 

The Serapis spread east toward Persia while the Mithras spread west toward the fledgling nation-states of Europe, both eventually incorporating aspects of Christianity. Serapis was eventually suppressed in Rome in 391 but it morphed into Zoroastrianism in Persia. Mithras slowly took on more of the aspects of Gnostic thought in the West. (Gould, p 23-5)

As the Dark Ages took hold after the fall of Rome in the mid-400s the old mystery school ideas morphed with Christianity and eastern belief systems to take on the rudimentary form that Freemasonry has today. 

The secret society continued up through the time Charlemagne was named the first Holy Roman Emperor in 800. The first mention of a Freemason temple on official records was in York in 926 under King Athelstan. Freemasonry also began to take on influence from the Jewish mysticism as it cemented itself into the Kabala around 1100. (Gould, p 34).

In 1620 we have records of Freemasons in London, and a short time later a strong sect rose up in Scotland. It wasn’t until 1717, however, that modern Freemasonry came into being, at least that’s the accepted version. Many Freemasons will claim their belief system goes all the way back to King David in Israel and the Temple of Solomon, and it’s likely there’s some truth in that. 

It wasn’t until 1717, however, that four lodges in Great Britain formed together to become the first Grand Lodge of England. These were the first official Freemasonry lodges, and America saw its first in Philadelphia in 1730.

Thirty-nine men signed the American Declaration of Independence in 1776 and thirteen of them were Freemasons, or 33%. America has had many presidents that can call themselves Freemasons. “Every US President since FDR has been a 33rd Degree Illuminated Mason, except Ronald Reagan,” who Dean Henderson says, “was given the honorary title, and John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated.” (Henderson, p 159) 

Henderson was educated at the University of Montana and was a reporter for the Montana Kaimin. He’s written extensively on the Freemasons and world banking in his book Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf.

Freemasonry is a complex society with thirty-three degrees of advancement. “To achieve advancement to one higher degree, members are asked to spit on a cross,” Henderson tells us. “Those who refuse are congratulated while those who accept are advanced to the next level because they did what they were told.” 

What’s more, each Freemason Lodge is officially warranted by the British government, meaning all Freemasons the world over are swearing fealty to that nation when they give their vows and say their rites. Henderson gives us an idea of how the organization operates:
“Lower level initiates don’t know this darker side of Masonry and spend their time planning circuses and parades, ostensibly to divert people’s attention from Illuminati plans for global dictatorship…the most corruptible men advance to the higher degrees of Masonry.” (Henderson, p 158)
Freemasonry wasn’t popular everywhere, however, and a lot of that had to do with the fact that well-off and wealthy men always seemed to be members. In 1822 Czar Alexander had banned Freemasonry from Russia. It’s rather ironic, as a Russian would give us the Freemason connection to the Knights Templar.

​The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar is another organization involved, and one that has grand designs on the world. The Templars were influenced heavily by Gnostic thought and the world knows about their crazy schemes because of an event in 1884. That’s when a Russian general’s daughter, Justine Glinka, paid 2,500 francs to Joseph Schorst, a member of a Freemason guild in Paris, to obtain a book called Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion

That French Freemason guild was in reality the Knights Templar sect known as the Priory of Sion, which had been created in 1099 on Mount Zion in Jerusalem to “guard such relics as the Shroud of Turin, the Ark of the Covenant, and,” Henderson tells us, “the Hapsburg family’s Spear of Destiny which was used to kill Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross.” (Henderson, p 122)

Most of that loot, if any of it even existed, was seized from beneath Solomon’s Temple during the Crusades and then secreted back to Europe for safekeeping. Henderson gives us an idea of why this was done:

“To preserve the Holy Grail bloodline, or Sangreal, of Jesus Christ which they believe is carried forth by the French Bourbon royalty, the Merovingan family. The Priory of Sion elite believe Jesus faked his death with the help of certain herbs, then married the administer of those herbs, Mary Magdalene. The Priory believes the couple fled to southern France and had numerous children. During the 5th century, the theory goes, Jesus’ descendents married into the Frank royalty from which France takes its name, thus creating the Merovingan dynasty.” (Henderson, p 122)
The Priory believes that Jesus eventually died in Kashmir, Pakistan.  (Henderson, p 218) His bloodline – the Holy Grail – lives on, however, and it’s through the Hapsburg line. The Hapsburg family started on the Habichtburg estate in Switzerland in 1020. 

They were in charge of the Holy Roman Empire until its demise in 1806. From its ashes rose the German Confederation and the Hapsburgs continued on until 2011 when their 640-year family line officially came to an end with the death of Otto von Hapsburg. (Henderson, p 472)

Sion is thought to mean Zion, which itself means Jeruselem in ancient Hebrew. The Knights Templar didn’t care about Judaism, however, except to use it to cover up their economic activity. Even securing the holy land of the Middle East didn’t really interest them; it was securing its resources and its trade potential. 

All throughout history the small strip of land that became Israel in 1948 had been used for trade and commerce and travel. It was still, with oil being the main commodity, and the Knights Templar and Rothschilds used the religious aspects of Judaism to secure the land they needed. 

If people in the world, including many disgruntled world leaders, lashed out at Judaism, so much the better – it would only distract more from the true motives, global financial control through trade, finance, and commodity markets.
Locations of Templar sites in Europe, 1300 AD

​The Templars consolidated their power by legitimizing usury so they could lend from their banks. By the 1200s they’d used their extensive wealth from the Crusades and banking to buy 9,000 castles across Europe. 

They controlled a magnificent fleet of ships from the French port of New Rochelle and bought the island of Sicily in the late-1100s from Richard the Lionheart, though it was later overrun by Turks in 1798. 

So powerful and so wealthy did the Templars become that in 1307 the king of France and the Pope both teamed up to discredit the group, saying they used black magic and necromancy. It took place on Friday, October 13, and ever since then that day has had a bad connotation.

By 1864 the book Justine Glinnka had bought was printed up in another book and then the same happened in the 1890s. By then, however, the authorities weren’t happy to hear about this, and the Russian author was arrested and tortured. The Illuminati was taking over, consolidating power, and secrecy was becoming the order of the day. (Henderson, p 124)

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