Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cleopatra was the last the time of her reign.................Egypt had a navy that had a tradition of around 5,000 years...............I bet other countries in that region did as 5,000 years...............chances are that one or more explorers found what we know call the Americas........

Ancient Egyptian navy - Wikipedia
The Ancient Egyptian navy has a very extensive history almost as old as the nation itself. Our best sources over the type of ships they used and their purposes ...

The Ancient Egyptian Navy - Tour Egypt
The early Nile boats used for military purposes seem to have been primarily used for the transportation of troops up and down the Nile, and indeed, Egypt's early ...

[PDF]Ancient Egyptian Sea Power and the Origin of Maritime Forces
Table of Ancient Egyptian Maritime Operations (3700 to 1069 BCE). 111. Appendix 2: .... Ancient Egyptian sea power together in a form that historians and naval professionals should find interesting and ..... 5000 – 20,000+. Generally 20,000+.
Image result for ancient egyptian navy 5000
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Image result for ancient egyptian navy 5000
{"clt":"n","id":"TeZlbxaj50XYbM:","oh":205,"ou":"","ow":375,"pt":"The Ancient Egyptian Navy","rh":"","rid":"86mpVp2cwl0EPM","rmt":0,"rt":0,"ru":"","s":"","st":"Tour Egypt","th":90,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcRxR2Ve5qXfVn1xI6KtSbu4DnXTW1MtSySjsat7C9xiLEkvEVUpQQ02LTo","tw":165}
Image result for ancient egyptian navy 5000
{"clt":"n","id":"A4NzwoPMJVHX3M:","oh":438,"ou":"","ow":816,"pt":"ANCIENT EGYPTIAN NAVY | Weapons and Warfare","rh":"","rid":"cEfSkErvZ3SOTM","rmt":0,"rt":0,"ru":"","s":"","st":"Weapons and Warfare","th":90,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcQTbdw8XH1w1Lk4v-cQM79OMAFRzdWHc4gwAj5MX0pdJ2YfpRfdCOyW900","tw":168}
Image result for ancient egyptian navy 5000
{"clt":"n","id":"Lyyg-J-H9iPncM:","oh":2357,"ou":"","ow":3958,"pt":"6 Ancient Naval Battles - History Lists","rh":"","rid":"MdpGZXA017DROM","rmt":0,"rt":0,"ru":"","s":"","st":"The History Channel","th":90,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcRticl2_5bLncPy6i3z6NrxmKCNt70fr-vyqbhq5Ig1IDIdu8BBBgXepTI","tw":151}
Image result for ancient egyptian navy 5000
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Ancient Egyptian navy - Revolvy
The Ancient Egyptian navy has a very extensive history almost as old as the ... The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 – 5,500 years, beginning with ...

Ancient Egypt: Ships and Boats
Ancient Egypt: Main Index. Ancient Egyptian ships and boats: ... A number of pharaohs saw the need for a strong navy, i.e. Snefru who according to ..... After 5,000 year voyage, world's oldest built boats deliver (Archeologists' first look confirms ...

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