Friday, September 15, 2017

If u took 2 to the in exponents....................and took the magnitude from 2 in (2, 0)...............two on the X axis..........using the hyp to measure the argument........its size, value..................I get the square root of 10.

Why?  From 2 to - 1 is a distance of 3......................the bottom side of the right triangle.........the height is one or i...........................using the regular Cartesian plane.......but putting the imaginary exponent......into the 3rd in the z dimension.........straight up from the paper......instead of having the Y axis be the imaginary the other side is one............a hyp of a right triangle with one side of 3 and the other of 1......would have a hyp of the square root of 10.  Why?  3 squared is nine.........1 squared is one..............9 + 1 = 10................the square root of 10 is irrational.....................maybe it was born on a full moon as well.......

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