Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Greeks were said to notice.........that if u filled an urn with water...........and tap on its side........that it would produce musical notes..............but only at certain intervals...........half third full, etc...........but is it the half filled with water..........or the space not filled with water responsible for creating the resonance.........................??

Put another the glass half full or half empty?  It is both of course.............

Harmonic Proportion and Form in Nature, Art and Architecture
Samuel Colman, ‎Clarence Arthur Coan - 2003 - ‎Science
The great museums of the world are filled with vases of the Greek period, a large ... will outline this amphora or cinerary urn, disclosing the harmonic whole.

Nature's harmonic unity: a treatise on its relation to proportional form
Samuel Colman, ‎Clarence Arthur Coan - 1912 - ‎Architecture
The great museums of the world are filled with vases of the Greek period, a large ... will outline this amphora or cinerary urn, disclosing the harmonic whole.

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