Thursday, September 14, 2017

Two curves meeting.............intersecting.......................2 to the x feed imaginary numbers produces musical notes supposedly...........2 is an imp. number..........the 1st prime.........and the only even prime.............and between it and the next the only instance where two primes are but a digit curve with a negative with just one...................14 is repeated twice.............1828 is repeated twice................4 primes in the 1st ten numbers...............4 in the next ten.................2 in the 3rd ten numbers............2 in the 4th ten numbers.............two repetitions of the same thing..................the differences of squares.............are all two numbers apart from each other..............Guass noticed...........a "ball park figure"..........a pattern in the distribution of primes...........scaled down by around 2..........for successive powers of ten........

The zeros (indicated as black dots) occur where the curves intersect.
The figures above highlight the zeros in the complex plane by plotting |zeta(z)| (where the zeros are dips) and 1/|zeta(z)| (where the zeros are peaks).

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