Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The sine of 30 degrees is 1/2 for one thing..................

How to Work with 30-60-90-Degree Triangles

All 30-60-90-degree triangles have sides with the same basic ratio. If you look at the 30–60–90-degree triangle in radians, it translates to the following:
30, 60, and 90 degrees expressed in radians.
In any 30-60-90 triangle, you see the following:
  • The shortest leg is across from the 30-degree angle.
  • The length of the hypotenuse is always two times the length of the shortest leg.
  • You can find the long leg by multiplying the short leg by the square root of 3.
Note: The hypotenuse is the longest side in a right triangle, which is different from the long leg. The long leg is the leg opposite the 60-degree angle.
The figure illustrates the ratio of the sides for the 30-60-90-degree triangle.

A 30-60-90-degree right triangle.
A 30-60-90-degree right triangle.
If you know one side of a 30-60-90 triangle, you can find the other two by using shortcuts. Here are the three situations you come across when doing these calculations:
  • Type 1: You know the short leg (the side across from the 30-degree angle). Double its length to find the hypotenuse. You can multiply the short side by the square root of 3 to find the long leg.
  • Type 2: You know the hypotenuse. Divide the hypotenuse by 2 to find the short side. Multiply this answer by the square root of 3 to find the long leg.
  • Type 3: You know the long leg (the side across from the 60-degree angle). Divide this side by the square root of 3 to find the short side. Double that figure to find the hypotenuse.

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