Thursday, February 1, 2018

Full circle......................2pi.........starts out...........6.28...............the 1st 3 numbers of irrational number........never ending.............1st 3 13...................2pi..........and the 1st two perfect the correct order...........circumference..........a 1 d measurement........

28 - 6 = 22...................two 2 the square root of 2................which is the same as the square root of 8.........whose dec expan is 2.828...................2 28's in e........the 1st 10 numbers of it.................1st 10...............a 10 and an 11/10........from Euler's prod......with an s of 1..........................22............2 twos.........2 + 2 = 4...........2 * 2 = 4.................where addition and multiplication are dead even.........only true of zero and far as I know...........

28/6 = 4.6666.................4 and 6.............are the 1st two non primes..........excluding zero and 1.............b/c 0 and 1 are special numbers.......they count at times........but for simplicity's sake.....................4 and 6............are the 1st two non primes........1st 1/2.....fractal patterns galore........chaos theory Benoit dear Polishman........Poles aren't so stupid after all...........but Americans sure the fuck are.......................most of them........I am an American......but I am not a money grubbing whore like most of my countrywomen and countrymen...........

6.28................full circle......

Unit circle

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Illustration of a unit circle. The

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